Life Experience

David Mesenbring is an innovative social entrepreneur of exceptional communication skills dedicated to broadening the world view of North Americans in favor of all.

David has worked as an advocate for change, a nonprofit developer, consultant, grant maker, and social justice animator. His experience encompasses work in 25 African countries, as well as Europe and the Americas, and includes 18 months as itinerant speaker in 75 U.S. cities. Unusual multi-cultural experience facilitates skillful relations among a broad spectrum of people and opinions.

Desmond Tutu invited David to teach black seminarians in South Africa where he gathered Steve Biko’s banned writings in the tense weeks following Biko’s 1977 murder. After eight years of grass roots advocacy back home, CNN featured David in a live debate on the day Congress passed the Anti-Apartheid Economic Sanctions Act.

Innovative grant making for the Trinity Grants Program (on Wall Street) deepened David’s knowledge of international development issues. He volunteered at local, national and international levels of the Oikocredit cooperative, a leading global provider of microfinance and social performance management.

From 1991 to 2006, David led the startup of South Florida’s Seafarers’ House which best exemplifies his innovative social entrepreneurialism. Its staff and services grew rapidly, attracting more clients than any such agency worldwide. As Social Justice Pastor at Saint Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle, David coached and motivated dozens of volunteer groups using a keen acumen for group dynamics.

David speaks Spanish well enough to argue in that language, but not well enough to win.  He lives in Seattle’s diverse Central District; loves wilderness hiking; makes great coffee; and enjoys fresh, wild-caught, Pacific salmon.